Born: Abt 1764 - Georgia Died: 1832 - Lawrence County, Alabama =============================================
Spouse: Elizabeth Gartrell Marriage:
1792 Place: Wilkes County, Georgia
Click here for Maternal Ancestry: GARTRELL ======================================== Children ======================================== 1. William Born: 1793 - Wilkes County, Georgia Died:
1834 - Lawrence County, Alabama Spouse: Martha
Patsy Wren (1805-1880) Marr. Date: 23 May 1824 - Lawrence County,
Alabama 2. Francis Born: 1805 - Lawrence
County, Alabama Died: 12 Aug 1864 - Lawrence County, Alabama Cause
of Death: Civil War : TN (10) 6th Regiment,Company
H Spouse: Nancy Murphy Marr.
Date: 20 Dec 1827 - Lawrence County, Alabama 3. John
Born: 1810 - Lawrence County, Alabama Spouse: Mary Susan
4. Robert S Born: 1808
- Georgia Died: Lawrence County, Alabama Spouse: Sincy 5. Martha Margaret Born:
1802 - Lawrence County, Alabama Died: Apr 1870 - Lawrence County, Alabama Cause
of Death: Heart Disease Spouse:
Martin S Carson Marr. Date: 22 Jan 1835 - Lawrence County,
6. Nancy Born:
Lawrence County, Alabama Died: Bef 1850 Spouse:
William McDaniel Marr. Date: 1 Feb 1832 - Lawrence County,
Alabama 7. Louisa
Born: 10 Mar 1810 Died: 21 Jun 1880 - Lawrence County, Alabama Cause
of Death: Rheumatism Spouse: John Hunter Marr.
Date: 14 Jan 1828 - Lawrence County, Alabama
Summary of Land Ownership Records:
1803, Drew once in the Land Lottery of Georgia.
1805, Drew a blank in Land Lottery of Georgia. He was listed as a resident in Wilkes County, Georgia.
1807 Drew Lot No. 133, District 14 in Land Lottery of Georgia. He was listed as resident in Wilkes County
Militia District, Wellborn's. Land Deed: January 1808, Morgan County, Georgia
"Thomas P. PRESTWOOD to Lewis BENTLEY land in Morgan County, Georgia."
Will: 29 Dec 1831, Lawrence County,
In the name of God Amen. I Lewis BENTLEY of the County of Lawrence
and State of Alabama being mindful of mortality do this the twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
Eight hundred and thirty one make and publish this my last will and Testament I wish all my Just debts to be paid by
my Executors that I shall herewith appoint. I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth BENTLEY my house and lands together
with the house hold and kitchen furniture for the support of my wife During her life my daughter Margaret is have a decent
support as long as she remain single and stays with her Mother I wish my son John BENTLEY and Robert S BENTLEY to have the
use of the land in , if they support my wife Elizabeth BENTLEY during her natural life and Margaret during her single life
I wish my wife Elizabeth BENTLEY to have the benefit of the house hold and kitchen furniture except one Beadstead and furniture
during her natural life I also wish all my farming tools to remain on the plantation for the use of the same I wish my wife
Elizabeth BENTLEY to have peaceable possession of the house during her life I also wish after the death of my wife Elizabeth
BENTLEY I give my son John BENTLEY sixty acres of land lying on the north side of my land to be divided by a line running
east and west the balance of my land I give to my son Robert S BENTLEY at the death of my wife Elizabeth BENTLY. I also
give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth BENTLY one Negro woman Winney an absolute right to have and dispose of as she may
prefer. I also wish after the death of my wife I wish all my house hold and kitchen furniture together with the farming tools
to be equally divided between my son John BENTLEY and Robert S. BENTLEY and my daughter Margaret BENTLEY. I also give and
bequeath unto my daughter Louisa HUNTER one Negro girl Eliza now in her possession. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter
Margaret BENTLEY one Negro girl Jane. I also give and bequeath unto my son Robert S BENTLEY one Negro man Will. I also give
and bequeath unto my son John BENTLY one Negro woman Lewey and her two children Dick and William ANDERSON. I also give and
bequeath unto my son John BENTLEY one Negro man Washington I also give and bequeath unto my son William BENTLEY five dollars.
I also give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Nancy BENTLEY and her child Francis BENTLEY five dollars to be equally divided
between them. I also give my daughter Margaret BENTLEY one bedstead and furniture. I also give unto my daughter Margaret BENTLEY
one two year old bay filly all the rest of my estate both real and personal ... may be equally disposed of among my severally
children here in before named which I give to their heirs executors administrators and assigns forever. And I do hereby constitute
and appoint my sons John BENTLEY and Robert S. BENTLEY executors of my last will and testament here by revoking all others
or former wills or testament by me here to for made. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this
twenty ninth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.
Lewis Bentley his mark
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us Samuel IRWIN Solomon ALLEN Ezekiel THOMAS
Probate: 30 Mar 1832, Lawrence County, Alabama.
Inventory and Will Book C pp 179-181
At a special term of the Orphans Court of Lawrence County Alabama began and held for said County at the Court House in
the town of Moulton on the 30th day of March 1832 Present the
Honorable James B. Wallace Judge of said Court.
On the application of John BENTLY and Robert BENTLY for the
probate of and instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Lewis BENTLY deceased. And it appearing
to the satisfaction of the court that Robert BENTLY and Margaret BENTLEY are minors under the age of twenty one it is ordered
that John STEWART be appointed Guardian ad litem to Robert BENTLEY + Margaret BENTLEY who assents to the probate of said will
and it also appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Elizabeth BENTLEY and William BENTLEY have had due notice of this
application and Enos MURPHY Guardian of Francis BENTLEY infant heir of Francis BENTLEY deceased who assents to the probate
of said will. Whereupon came Solomon ALLEN Samuel IRWIN and Ezekiel THOMAS who after being duly sworn say that they subscribed
their names as witnesses to said Instrument at the request of said deceased in his presence and in the presence of each other
and that said deceased was at the time of sound mind and disposing memory; it is considered by the court that said Instrument
is sufficiently proven and that the same be recorded.