Bentley Family
Ancestors: Indexed by Surname
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Generation 8
Generation 9
Generation 10
Generation 11
Related Family: Bunnell
Related Family: Copeland
Related Family: Farley
Related Family: Gartrell
Links & Resources
Contact Me
Link to Family Tree
Please feel free to contribute!


Successful genealogical research depends on sharing information with others, I want to thank the following individuals for sharing their research on-line and allowing me to use their information: Allan Bentley, Frederic Saunders, Richard Warfield Faber Jr, Robert Copeland, and many others.  View the Links and Resources Page for links to the genealogical information, websites/webpagees, and/or contact information for these individuals, along with many other family genealogists. 
A family's history is made up of facts and oral family stories.  I have made every attempt to verify information before placing it on this website.  Like all genealogical records, some information may not be accurate.  I can not guarantee all information contained on this website, if you have question about a specific individual or family you can contact me for additional details, sources, etc that I may have on file. 
Originally, my the summary of my research was going to be compiled for my immediate family members.  I never intended to create a family website.  However my desire to publish this information in a public domain is fueled by my experiences in the genealogical community online and the numerours resources, information, and leads that I have gained through them.  This website is my thanks to that community, to show my appreciation and to give back by helping, at least, one person get that missing link they need to continue their work. 

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Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little.  As a child, I always enjoyed listening to the wonderful stories told to me by my great-grandfather Woodard Bentley and his daughter, my grandmother.  After the death of Woodard in 1993, I began to think about how many stories he did not have the time to tell.  I wanted to record these stories and my family's history for my children and their children to share. 
I began my genealogical research over a year ago and have learned a great deal about my family's history, origins, and where they came from.  My great-grandfather was a Bentley and my great-grandmother was a Gassaway, both families having arrived in Colonial America. 

Because this is a work in progress, please contact me if you wish to provide additional information about your branch of the family tree.   I have amassed so much information that I have lengthy files on some surnames and individuals that may only be mentioned here.  If you are seeking information on any of these individuals or surnames on this website, please contact me and I will be more than happy to share any information I may have. 
Thank you!
Crystal Bureau

Click here to contact my by email.